If you are being hounded by calls from creditors and collection agencies you should know that you are not powerless. There are laws and government agencies which protect you! However you need to know your rights in order to protect yourself. If you are being called day and night by a collection agency, here are some invaluable resources for you:
- The Federal Trade Commission – This federal agency monitors and enforces the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Their website has tons of information on dealing with debt collectors. The website is http://1.usa.gov/Xt09r7
- State Consumer Protection Agencies:
a. For Pennsylvania: The Attorney General’s Office has a page where you can view information and submit complaints about unfair debt collection tactics. The website is http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/complaints.aspx?id=403
b. For New Jersey : The New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs also has a website that can help you to know your rights. The website is http://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/ - A lawyer. The right kind of lawyer has extensive experience in dealing with harassing creditors and can help guide you to financial and emotional freedom. At John W. Hargrave & Associates we specialize in representing consumers and can help you manage or eliminate your debts. We offer a free consultation, so call us today, you have nothing to lose but stress!